
Why Should You Be

Working with Corporates?

Working with corporate businesses (as well as public and charity sector organisations) is THE most effective way to ensure a steady stream of clients willing and able to pay you well for your expertise.

When you position yourself as the go-to expert in your field you're able to attract high quality business clients reaching out to partner with you.

✅     Learn TRIED AND TESTED strategies to get your message in front of the RIGHT people - the decision makers.

✅    Start creating content that actually converts leads into quality paying clients.

✅    Learn how to set your business up for corporate success with downloadable 'done for you' templates.

✅    Start positioning yourself as THE subject matter expert in your chosen field and become the FIRST CHOICE specialist your ideal clients are looking for.

✅    Learn how to future-proof your business for long-term growth by creating scalable, leverageable offers.

✅    Start creating your business 'machine' - taking the overwhelm and uncertainty out and avoiding the feast/famine cycle.

Let me Introduce You to Working With Corporates!


Enrol in Working with Corporates TODAY!

What You Get When You Enrol in WORKING WITH CORPORATES

Working with Corporates is a 12 weeks group coaching programme that takes you step by step through the tried and tested processes I used to build a highly successful corporate training business.

Here's what you can expect...

Weekly Training


You'll get 8 live and interactive training workshops delivered over 12 weeks.  I'll teach you the strategies I used in step-by-step, easily implementable chunks to get you positioned for success and attracting your ideal corporate clients ready and willing to  pay you well.  I've built in implementation weeks to ensure you can fully put into action everything you're being taught.



Access to a digital library of customisable resources including client agreement templates, terms and conditions and webinar templates so you can get started straight away and not have to reinvent the wheel.



Business can feel lonely but with an abundance mindset, and a focus on working together you can tap into the collective wisdom of your cohort peers.  The Working with Corporates Inner Circle is a growing private Facebook community just for WWC students past and present, where we'll have live 'Teas 🫖& Q's❓'  sessions as well as a place to share wins, celebrate together and build relationships and collaborations.



24/7 access to your personal learning portal where you can watch replays, download workbooks and tap into a wealth of resources.

Lifetime access to all the training recordings and resources - forever!

An invitation to join future WWC cohorts for FREE - you can join in with the live trainings time after time at no extra cost.  You learn different things when you're in a different stage of your business, right?


Upgrade and add on 6 One to One Coaching Calls 

Upgrade to VIP and add on 6 x 90 minute one to one coaching sessions with me for just £800.  The coaching sessions can help you embed your learning and take your business to the next level as well as having your own sounding board and mindset coach.   But availability is limited and I'm only offering 5 spaces.

Week by Week

Week #1

Own Your Expertise - learn how to position yourself as the subject matter expert and authority in your chosen field.

Week #2

Nail Your Niche - Get crystal clear on who you want to serve and what they need.

Week #3

Creating Your Awesome Offer - Get completely confident with what you want to sell and how much you will charge.

Week #4

Building Your Sales Machine - Create a sales funnel that converts

Week #5

Create Your Sales Webinar - learn how to use a sales webinar to attract and convert quality leads

Week #6

Implementation Week - This is your chance to catch up and breathe!

Week #7

Webinar Launch - This is where the magic starts to happen.

Week # 8 and 9

Implementation Weeks - Sit back and watch those leads coming in.

Week #10

Future-proofing Your Business - keeping the machine running.

Week #11

Staying Legal - Understand what you need to have in place to stay legal and compliant.

Week #12

Expansion & Celebrations - Plan your next steps and celebrate your wins.

Ready to Secure Your Next Corporate Deal?


Enrol in Working With Corporates Today!

Here's Why There's Never Been A Better Time to Work with Corporates!

  • Businesses are constantly on the look out for specialist coaches, trainers and freelancers to fill the gaps that are missing in-house.
  • Many businesses have targets to meet around social responsibility, staff wellbeing and supporting small, independent businesses.
  • Freelancers and SMEs offer corporate clients specialist solutions, better value and an increased return on investment.
  • As a freelance trainer, coach or consultant, YOU can offer your corporate clients more flexibility, greater agility and bespoke services that the bigger more generic consultancies simply can't offer.
  • Corporate clients are easier to keep and retain that private clients.
  • Corporate clients don't ask for refunds or troll you on social media.
  • When you follow the strategies I teach in Working with Corporates you can choose not to have to make those scary 'cold calls' or battle with the gatekeepers!
  • When you add big name clients to your portfolio your professional reputation and expert status sky-rockets.

Love for Working with Corporates

We launched WWC as a beta programme earlier this year.  We've refined and improved it but this is what our first cohort of students had to say about their experience!

What's the Investment for

Working with Corporates?

The mistake lots of business owners make is buying a 'do it yourself' training course because it's a cheaper option.  What they don't take into account is that knowledge is NOT what's usually needed.


If, like me, you've paid way too much money in the past for online courses with big name gurus giving you generic advice that doesn't seem to relate to what you ACTUALLY need, you'll know how frustrating that can be.

Worse still, you start the course but never finish it because life gets in the way and you've got no one actually helping you stay accountable for taking the action you KNOW you need to take.

The other BIG mistake people in business make is outsourcing their brand message to someone else.  Often paying social media marketers hundreds (if not more) of pounds each month to create impersonal, generic content that does nothing to truly represent you as the expert you are or helping you to really showcase your authority so you can stand out from the crowd.

Think about it, how can you expect an agency to fully represent your true value if you've not done the groundwork yourself to fully OWN your authority and expertise?

Yes, I have no doubt that if they're good at what they do they will eventually get your true voice out there, but that could take many months to refine and perfect, meantime you've missed out on all those amazing corporate opportunities to someone else!

Working with Corporates is your chance to fast-track your success, getting your message spot on and getting you in front of your ideal corporate clients, ready and willing to pay you for your wisdom, IN JUST 12 WEEKS!

And you can start getting corporate ready for just £200 a month (or pay in full and save).

Check out other Payment Options Available including the VIP Upgrade (only 5 spaces available)


My Promise to You!

You can take a horse to water but you cannot make it drink, right?  However, I know that what I've done over the last 5 years has led to me creating a successful menopause training business and I'm so confident that it will work for you too, I am going to make this bold promise.

If you can show me that you've implemented the strategies that I'm going to share with you, done the work and been consistent (all of which I'll be teaching) and you haven't made your money back after 12 months, I'll reimburse IN FULL the cost of the programme PLUS you can keep your access to the Resource Hub.



We've got some fantastic bonuses for you!

Done For You Sales Funnel  

Don't let the tech get in your way.  We'll remove ALL the tech worry by building  you out a sales funnel and email automation using my favourite free email software, Mailerlite. (Note if you use a different software we can give you a template to guide you but we won't be able to do the build for you).


Step into Your Super Power

If you're ready to really level up and take action, grab my fast action bonus!  Register before the 10 November and you'll get an invitation to join my LIVE MASTERCLASS - to help you overcome self doubt, kick imposterism out the door and show up with confidence so you can own your space in the corporate market!


Level up Your Digital Message

I'm absolutely thrilled to offer this fantastic opportunity to learn from renowned digital marketing expert Katy Kurn of ShowOffComms. Katy will be teaching the art and science of getting your message out into the world so you can have real impact!                                                                                                                  

Got Questions? 

You'll probably find the answers you're looking for here, but if you're still not sure book at call and we'll happily answer any questions for you.

The important but boring stuff!

Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our privacy policy, cookie policy, earnings disclaimer and Working with Corporates Terms and Conditions