Bev Thorogood on a green background debunking the myths of working with big companies as a freelancer

Breaking Down Corporate Myths: A Message to Freelancers and Wellness Professionals

If you’re a coach or wellbeing practitioner working with private clients, the allure of the corporate market might have caught your attention. But has the specter of perceived barriers or myths deterred you from taking the leap? As someone who’s been there and debunked those myths, I'm here to guide you through three common misconceptions about working with corporates.


**Myth #1: "I'm too small as a freelancer."**

**Reality Check:** Don't sell yourself short. One prevalent misconception about freelancing is the notion that as an individual, you can’t possibly make waves in the vast corporate ocean. The truth? Corporates, especially in our dynamic business landscape, cherish the niche expertise and adaptability that freelancers offer.

Smaller entities often bring a distinctive specialization that even large agencies can't emulate. If you're armed with a particular skill or knowledge, there’s a corporate client out there who needs exactly what you offer.


**Myth #2: "I'm not corporate enough."**

**Reality Check:** You might feel that the less structured nature of freelance work means you lack the so-called "corporate" sheen. But remember, when you're interacting with a corporation, you're ultimately dealing with individuals. Once past initial formalities, many of these interactions mirror the relaxed and congenial exchanges you're used to.

Corporates are actively seeking fresh insights and pioneering solutions, and guess where they're looking? Yes, the freelance community. Embrace your professional identity, but also celebrate the agility and unique qualities that come with being a freelancer.


**Myth #3: "It takes too long to get paid."**

**Reality Check:** While concerns about prolonged payment timelines aren't entirely baseless, the corporate payment landscape is rapidly evolving. Recognizing the importance of accommodating freelancers and smaller entities, many corporates are revamping their payment systems.

Tips for Faster Payments:

1. **Supplier Register:** As soon as you initiate a contract, inquire about being added to a supplier register. If necessary, ensure the forms are sent and completed promptly.
2. **Upfront Payments:** Consider negotiating part or full payment before the work starts, or explore shorter payment terms, especially if you're a sole trader.
3. **Modern Payment Solutions:** Platforms like Stripe can expedite payment processes. Though there might be transaction fees, the convenience often outweighs the cost, ensuring swift payment and bypassing traditional hurdles.


In conclusion, as a freelancer eyeing the corporate market, it's crucial to navigate beyond these myths. With the right mindset and strategies, you can debunk misconceptions and create fruitful corporate partnerships. Embrace your strengths, be prepared, and remember: the corporate world might just be looking for someone precisely like you.

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