
Ep 89 - MenoChat No 5 with Lea Campbell

Episode #114

In this MenoChat I'm joined by Lea Campbell who is another lovely member of my Facebook Community, Your Best Midlife.

Lea and I chat about some of the positive elements that sometimes get overlooked when we focus on the menopause.  Even having been hit by some of the many disruptive symptoms of menopause, Lea proves that there is another side to this journey.  One where we get to step out of the old and into new, exciting and sometimes scary new adventures.

One of those new adventures included putting herself out there and joining a writing course, which led to Lea becoming a published author.

She's the co-author of the recently released book 'Beautifully Broken' - a compilation of stories written by 16 heart-led women, sharing their inspirational stories of working through tough times and the resilience they found to come out the other side having made peace with their past.  You can grab your copy HERE and if you're a Kindle Unlimited subscriber you can get the book for free right now, or just 99p for non-subscribers.

Story sharing is an important part of how we can figure out what the right way forward is for us as we navigate menopause.  There's no one size fits all, and often hearing other people's experiences allows us the chance to take a different perspective.  

So I'd love to invite all the women listening to come and join our amazing community in Your Best Midlife over on Facebook where you'll find over 1000 women sharing experiences, cheering each other on and building each other up so we can all thrive through midlife and beyond.