
Ep 70 - Fit Over 40 with Rob Birkhead

Episode #95

Have you ever wondered why it's so much more difficult to lose weight and get fit over 40 than it was in your 20s and 30s?

That's because the strategies you've used in your 20s and 30s simply don't work for women in their 40s and beyond.  Our hormones are changing, our stress response is changing and as such our previous strategies might actually make it even MORE difficult.

In today's episode I'm chatting with Rob Birkhead who is an expert in the field of health and fitness for women over 40.

Rob is co-founder of TRINITY Transformation and the UK’s #1 Health Coach for professional women over forty. He is an expert in sustainable weight loss for women across the areas of exercise, nutrition and mindset, with over a decade’s experience working with over 6,500 clients internationally.

He's also just released his first book Fit Over 40 for Women which lays out exactly why those old strategies won't work and may actually be adding to the difficulties, but also guides you through what does work and how to implement more effective strategies.

He's also offering my listeners a FREE copy of his book.  Simply opt in to receive Trinity Transformation's  daily motivational tips and emails and Rob will send you your personal copy in time for Christmas.  Use this link to get your copy

Just a quick reminder that my own book The Business of Menopause A Guide for Working Women is available on Amazon and from all high street bookstores.