
Ep 67 - Taking Control of Your Boundaries

Episode #92

If you ever find yourself getting overwhelmed dealing with 'stuff' that isn't even your stuff, then chances are you've got a boundaries problem.

If you find yourself saying yes when you really want to say no, then getting angry and resentful at being taken advantage of, then chances are you've got a boundaries problem.

If you find yourself weighed down by other people's problems all of the time, then chances are you've got a boundaries problem.

In this episode I'm sharing 3 tips that have helped me to get better at upholding my boundaries.

They're simple, but like anything to do with changing habits, they're not necessarily easy.  But, the more you use them the better you'll get.

I'll be sharing why you need to let go of some of the rocks, learn how to say a positive 'no' and figure out what will or won't 'make your boat go faster'!

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