
Ep 65 - Cutting through the Misinformation to get the right Menopause Diagnosis

Episode #90

Recently menopause specialist GP and menopause education advocate Dr Louise Newson, who runs the My Menopause Doctor website, surveyed over 5000 women to find out their experience when it came to get a diagnosis of menopause.  The results are quite shocking and also pretty saddening especially for the women who were left waiting often for years simply to get confirmation that what they were dealing with was menopause.

You can read further details of Dr Newson's study here.

But today I wanted to share some of her findings and also share 10 myths to listen out for from your own GP if you're trying to get a diagnosis of whether or not you're in your menopause transition.

And when it comes to educating women in the workplace, maybe ask you HR department if your organisation does anything to support working women through their menopause transition - maybe they have a menopause policy or offer up training.  But if they don't you might want to ask them why not.  And point them in my direction so I can help educate them as to why they would do well learn more.

You can find out more about the work I do with businesses at my website www.florescotraining.co.uk

Enjoy the episode and I'd love you to share with me in the comments your own experience of getting a menopause diagnosis.  Was it easy or did you have to jump through hoops?