Generation Exceptional

Generation Exceptional

Hosted by: Bev Thorogood

Welcome to Generation Exceptional, the podcast for Gen X women navigating midlife like pros! Hosted by Bev Thorogood, a late-diagnosed ADHD entrepreneur who knows a thing or two about embracing life's twists and...


Ep 118 - Phoenix Rising - The Relaunch of Generation Exceptional

Well, I'm a little bit excited about this! I'm relaunching the Generation Exceptional podcast! After more than a year since I put the podcast to bed, it's time to resurrect it and get the conversations flowing...
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Ep 92 - A Bloody History Of Menopause

Episode #117

History definitely hasn't always been kind to older women, words like hag, crone and witch weren't uncommon, and women were described as hysterical, "bleare eyed, pale and fowle", although always, it would appear, by...
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Ep 91 - In Search of the Red Dot - How I Got To Do A TEDx Talk

Episode #116

If you've ever wondered what it's like to stand on the famous TEDx red dot to share your ideas with an audience, I'd love to share with you my own experience of how I got to give my TEDx Talk in Sep 2022. You might...
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Ep 90 - Making Legal History with Social Worker, Maria Rooney

Episode #115

My guest on the podcast today is Social Worker and Activist Maria Rooney. Maria worked for Leicester City Council for 12 years before taking them to Tribunal for menopause discrimination including constructive unfair...
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Ep 89 - MenoChat No 5 with Lea Campbell

Episode #114

In this MenoChat I'm joined by Lea Campbell who is another lovely member of my Facebook Community, Your Best Midlife. Lea and I chat about some of the positive elements that sometimes get overlooked when we focus on...
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Ep 88 - MenoChat No 4 with Ruth Jones

Episode #113

There are some symptoms related to perimenopause that we just donโ€™t like to talk about.ย  Letโ€™s face it, itโ€™s personal and embarrassing. But maybe we should.ย  Maybe itโ€™s time to take any embarrassment and shame away...
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Ep 87 - MenoChat No 3 with Lyndsey Byrne

Episode #112

How do you know if what you're experiencing is menopause related?ย  What if you're not ready to hear that it is menopause?ย  What if you don't have a womb so you don't have those obvious signals that your periods have...
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Ep 86 - MenoChat No 2 with Ruth George

Episode #111

One of THE most controversial areas of menopause is around whether or not those who have been treated for breast cancer should be 'allowed' to take HRT or not. Often there is a blanket no from medical practitioners,...
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Ep 85 - Meno Chat No 1 with Sue Ladbrook - Celebrating Menopause Awareness Month

Episode #110

Welcome to the first of my Meno Chats where, in celebration of World Menopause Awareness Month, I'm going to be joined by some of the lovely women from my Facebook group, Your Best Midlife, as they share with me their...
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Ep 84 - GENX Shorts - Staying Visible through the Menopause Transition

Episode #109

How do you deal with the feeling of becoming invisible as you move through the midlife transition? It's a story I hear all the time from women who feel they're withdrawing, stepping back, shrinking into themselves....
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Ep 83 - GENX Shorts -Summary of the House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee Report Menopause and the Workplace

Episode #108

The Women and Equalities Committee was appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration and policy of the Government Equalities Committee.ย ย  The Committee has just published it's First...
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Ep 82 - Using the Vaginal Microbiome to Diagnose Perimenopause

Episode #107

We're all pretty familiar with the idea that we have bacteria in our gut called the microbiome and that a healthy gut leads to better health. But did you know that we also have a vaginal microbiome and that it's...
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